Best practice portal – evidence database

This database gives you access to the latest evidence on drug-related interventions. The information is based on systematic searches is updated regularly. To get started use the search boxes below. Click here for more information about the Evidence database (including methods).

List of Evidence Summaries
Title Area Substance Target group(s) or setting(s) Evidence rating
Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) to reduce injecting risk behaviour Harm reduction amphetamines, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Unknown effectiveness
Safe tattooing and body piercing programmes to reduce blood borne viruses transmission in prison Harm reduction not-drug specific prison Unknown effectiveness
Brief interventions to improve treatment outcomes in young cannabis users Treatment cannabis young people Unknown effectiveness
School-based multiple risk behaviour interventions to prevent cannabis use Prevention cannabis young people Unknown effectiveness
Brief interventions to reduce cannabis use in healthcare settings Treatment cannabis Unknown effectiveness
Permanent supportive housing to improve physical and mental health outcomes Social reintegration not-drug specific Unknown effectiveness
Internet-based interventions to reduce stimulant use Treatment amphetamines, cocaine Unknown effectiveness
Drug consumption rooms to reduce public disorders Harm reduction amphetamines, cocaine, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Unknown effectiveness
Digital interventions to treat substance use disorder (alcohol) Treatment alcohol Unknown effectiveness
Interventions for drug-using offenders with co-occurring mental illness to reduce drug use and re-arrest Treatment co-morbidity dual-diagnosis patients, prison Unknown effectiveness
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) to improve HCV treatment outcomes Harm reduction amphetamines, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Unknown effectiveness
Family- or individual-level multiple risk behaviour interventions to prevent alcohol use Prevention alcohol young people Unknown effectiveness
Technology-based psychotherapeutic interventions to reduce cannabis use in patients with psychosis Treatment co-morbidity, cannabis dual-diagnosis patients Unknown effectiveness
Motivational interviewing to reduce illicit drug use in adolescents Treatment not-drug specific young people Unknown effectiveness
Pharmacotherapy treatment options for crack-cocaine dependence Treatment cocaine Unknown effectiveness
Cognitive behavioural therapy plus tapered doses versus tapered doses only to reduce benzodiazepine use in the long-term Treatment prescription medicines Unknown effectiveness